Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

The Power of Gratitude

Imagine if there was something that could make you happier, improve your health, deepen your relationships, and even increase your productivity. Sounds amazing, right? Well, there is, and the good news? It’s not expensive or complicated. And absolutely anyone can access this life-impacting “something.” 

What can do all these awesome things and more? Gratitude.   

Adopting an “attitude of gratitude” gets a lot of mileage in November because of the Thanksgiving holiday. For many folks, the sentiment continues throughout December with the joy and wonder of Christmas. For the most part, though, come January, gratitude tends to fade. We stuff the focus on being grateful in a bottom drawer, promising to drag it back out next fall. Because that’s a holiday kind of thing, right?  


Gratitude can have a profound impact on a person’s life 365 days a year. Being grateful doesn’t have to be complex, formal, or take on a stuffy air. Being grateful simply means taking time to think about all the positive things in your life. When a person makes a purposeful attempt to adopt an “attitude of gratitude” as a part of everyday life, that’s when the power of gratitude is unleashed.  

Unfortunately, we tend to gravitate towards the negative. Whining and complaining come all too easy, and a negative mindset can soon become a habit. But with a little effort, being grateful can become a habit, too.  

Consider these simple yet impactful ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life.  

At home— 

  • Look for ways to perform random acts of kindness for your spouse, children, even the family pets. 
  • Make a point of saying thank you, for the big things and the little things. It will make you more appreciative and actively stave off the tendency to take your family for granted. 
  • Express love and appreciation for your family. Don’t buy into the “they know I love them” thinking.  

At work— 

  • Replace “I’m sorry” statements with “thank you” statements. Instead of “I’m sorry for being late,” say, “Thank you for waiting on me.”   
  • Focus on the strengths of your co-workers rather than fixate on their weaknesses. 
  • Look for opportunities to give compliments and be generous with your praise and appreciation.  

With your tenants— 

  • Take note of a job well done—anything from orderly and timely trash can management to exceptional housekeeping to care of landscape/lawn care (if those responsibilities belong to the tenant) and make a point of mentioning it. 
  • Look for opportunities to compliment your tenants on their parenting, their work in the community, the promotion or award they received on the job—anything positive in their life.  
  • Strive not to be overly picky but rather to be appreciative of everything.  

You may be wondering why bother? Why put in the effort to make gratitude a part of your daily life? 

Because gratitude changes our brains.  Research has determined that people who tend to be more grateful have more brain activity in the area associated with learning and decision making. In addition, gratitude can overpower negative emotions, combat depression, and it has a cumulative, positive effect on mood and behavior.  

So, what have you got to lose? Make gratitude a 365-day-a-year part of your life.  

About Rentals America 

Rentals America provides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.