Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Why Hire a Landlord-Tenant Attorney?

Do I need a landlord-tenant attorney who focuses specifically on legal issues relating to landlord and tenant rights?  

Every landlord must answer that question for themselves, as each property owner has a unique combination of circumstances. So, let’s focus on the questions that will help landlords determine their need for an attorney specializing in this area.  

#1 – “When would I need a landlord-tenant attorney? In what situations and circumstances would the services of a landlord-tenant lawyer be helpful?” 

Drafting a Lease Agreement – The more complete and detailed the lease, with the most accurate wording and descriptions, the fewer the potential issues to mire the landlord-tenant relationship down the road.  

Landlord-Tenant Disputes – At some point, many landlords face disputes over rent payments, security deposits, tenant rights, etc. Navigating the legal ramifications without counsel can be both daunting and costly. 

Processing an Eviction – Unfortunately, evictions come with the territory and must be handled by the letter of the law.  

Accusations of Discrimination – Should a rejected or evicted tenant try to sue you for discrimination, it’s best to consult an attorney.   

Commercial Real Estate Ventures – Often, these arrangements are more complex, with more i’s to dot and t’s to cross.  

Personal Injury Claims – Seeking the expertise of someone more experienced than yourself will ensure the situation is handled correctly and offer peace of mind to the landlord. 

Business Law – An attorney specializing in property management concerns can give wise counsel about the protection of assets.  

Estate Planning – Attorneys are a wealth of information (no pun intended!) in estate planning.  

#2 “I do alright on my own. Why hire a landlord-tenant attorney?”  

Because they know the laws, the terminology, and the ins and outs of conducting property management by the books and are familiar with the common issues landlords face. Finally, they have experience handling the challenging situations every landlord hopes never to face.  

 Even the most prepared, organized, and knowledgeable landlords will face scenarios that would benefit from or require legal expertise. For example, while landlords may be pros at home maintenance, have excellent communication and “people” skills, and the know-how to take advantage of the latest tech-savvy property management software, they are not as equipped to handle legal matters as is an attorney –especially one that specializes in landlord-tenant issues.  

 Establishing a relationship with a landlord-tenant attorney will make it easier to seek their services when a matter arises. And then, leaving the situation to a trusted expert will free up a landlord’s time and ease the worrisome concern that something may slip through the cracks or otherwise not be handled legally.  

The only question left to answer now is, “Who wouldn’t want to have this valuable resource to lean upon at various times?”  

 About Rentals America   

Rentals Americaprovides full-service property management for residential rental properties. Our team is completely dedicated to property management and we’re here to help landlords navigate the rental market.