Resources for Landlords and Real Estate Investors

Pillars of Leadership

There are many opportunities for leadership, within and without the realm of your career. Perhaps you lead a mastermind group, local charity, or civic organization. Maybe you are the team leader for a project at work. Regardless of the level, or intensity of your leadership role, several characteristics make a difference between and a poor, decent, or excellent leader. Honing these nine characteristics will help you leave a positive lasting impact on those you lead, help you succeed, and often open the door to even greater opportunities.


Strategic leadership begins with integrity. Be true to the vision or cause you are supporting. Treat others with respect, and fairness. Own your mistakes, and don’t hesitate to apologize. Choose honesty – even when, especially when it’s painful and humbling to do so. Be transparent with those around you. Integrity is choosing to act with honor, even when no one is watching.


Effective leadership requires vision. If you don’t have a big picture, a chosen path, and a destination, how can you lead others? Establish the vision, set measurable milestones, break it into step by step goals, and convey the whole picture to your team.


Develop the art of sharing your vision – both verbally and in written form. Express your vision and how to attain it clearly and concisely. Listen as much, if not more, than you share. Listening to the concerns and ideas of your team, and respecting their diversity, will make you a stronger leader. It leads to problems solved and builds morale.

Passion & Commitment

Be a passionate leader, who is committed to the program. Share your enthusiasm. Be willing to get in the trenches and work alongside your team. It will inspire others to stay excited and focused. Understand their challenges by walking in their shoes and seeing things from their perspective. Be both empathetic and diplomatic.


Every leader has their strengths and their weaknesses. Be confident in your strengths and use them to lead, but also acknowledge your weaknesses. Seek the help you need to make up for your weak areas. Don’t’ hesitate to delegate responsibility to others. Highlighting both your strengths and the strengths of the rest of the team, will bring unity and greater success to all.


A successful leader can analyze a problem or mission, evaluate various courses, choose the best option, and go with it. Of course, there are times when a leader has to back up and choose a new route, but the ability to discern, choose wisely, and stay the course is critical.


A collaborative approach encourages transparency and honest dialogue. It empowers your team and promotes trust and respect for each other while working toward a common goal. Collaboration is the foundation for an engaged team, who takes ownership and responsibility.


Don’t become lackadaisical in your leadership. Of course, there is no need to re-invent the wheel, but innovation creates a more excellent tire. Be willing to strive for ways to improve. It will help you make sound decisions and gain you a competitive edge.


Last and certainly not least, lead with a servant’s heart and an attitude of humility. Humility own’s mistakes, apologizes and forgives when either is necessary, shares the credit, and rewards their team accordingly. The greatest act of humility is to acknowledge the work of others and express your appreciation.

Great leadership is an art. It requires diligence and focused attention, but the result is rewarding. At Rentals America, we place value on leadership. Every team member has learned how to lead and how to support their leaders. We take this leadership seriously and use it to make your life easier. When you trust your property to our management, you can count on us to lead the way to success on your investment. Contact us today.